Broken Arrow

Centennial Clock
Located in front of the Farmer's Market

1 of 100 installed across Oklahoma for The State Centennial in 2007

Centennial Park
Across from Dooley's Angus Inn

This corner park on Main Street boasts a magnificent bronze of a pioneer family.

Broken Arrow Historical Society
400 S. Main Street
+1 (918) 258-2616
Tu-F 10AM-4PM, Sa 10AM-2PM

Traces Broken Arrow's history from a small Muscogee Creek outpost to modern city. Highlights include Ernest Childers Cabin, artifacts from various periods, a playing of the film Broken Arrow and genealogical resources.

Veterans Park

The local BA memorial garden. It boasts two bronzes, one of local WWII hero Ernest Childers in Native regalia. The second is of a modern-day US soldier. The stone plaque in the garden contains all the names of BA citizens who have died in combat since 9/11.